Milan Credle
Milan Credle

Milan Credle

What is it about music that has made it such an important part of your life?

Music has been and still is an outlet, a source of therapy for me to process things I think and feel on deep levels that are sometimes hard to communicate in regular conversations. 

There are many different types of music: jazz, hip-hop, folk, country, pop.  Can you describe your genre of music and what makes that genre what it is–like what makes rap, rap and how is it different from other music?  Is it the way you use your voice or instrumentation?

Hip Hop, is that what is birthed out of the heart and soul of the African American community, sharing our stories with each other. The aggression and passion when I use my voice as an instrument to convey my story in its fullness. Hip Hop became more than music. It became our culture and now a global culture. 

Talk about the instruments you incorporate into your songs when you perform? What are your favorites?

I love to incorporate the drums, piano and bass. They are also my favorites because the soulful sounds they bring. They can turn into jazz, blues, etc. anything dealing with soul. I feel most connected to those type of sounds. 

You don’t need an instrument to be musical.  You can make music using everyday household objects like pots, pans, and rubber bands.  What did you use to make music with when you were a kid?

I used pencils, pens, crayons for drumsticks, and my fist as drums. I still do that to this day. 

See Milan Credle perform this song: